Thứ Tư, 30 tháng 11, 2016

Dave Ramsey Show #8482: Lydia's Husband Wants a High Credit Score

Hour 2: Aired on Tuesday, November 29, 2016 - Ken Coleman and Chris Hogan talk about goal-setting.  - Katie (Atlanta, GA) has $130,000 in student loan debt. Should they have a baby or wait? - Ken and Chris talk about the $100,000 Making Futures Bright Giveaway and the $10 Sale at  - Lydia (Kansas City, MO) is having issues with her husband who wants a high credit score.  - Ken and Chris talk about the credit score myth. - Ken and Chris answer Austin's question from Twitter. Should he start a sinking fund for a replacement car while they're in debt and working Baby Step 2? - John (Indianapolis) asks if investment options within HSAs are a good idea.  - Chanel (Phoenix) asks what to do with a 401(k).  - George (Lexington, KY) needs helping starting the Baby Steps.  - Max (Dallas) is trying to decide between life insurance versus long-term care insurance.  - Ken and Chris answer Ramona's question from Facebook. How should she save the $1,000 for Baby Step 1? Put it in a savings account?

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